Meet the Governors
Welcome to Bournebrook C of E Primary School. We hope that as you look through our school website, you will be able to get a real understanding of what a very special school Bournebrook C of E Primary School is.
As Governors, we are very proud to be part of the school and local community. We are fully committed to working with Mrs Smith, all staff, children and their parents/carers to ensure that we encourage and support children in their journey to believe in themselves to Do All That They Do With Love and thrive in all areas of life.
The role of governors is a voluntary one. We give our time freely to read paperwork, attend meetings, visit classrooms, attend special events and enrol on relevant training.
The governors have the following responsibilities:
To help set the strategic direction using the School Development Plan
To review and monitor children’s progress and attainment
To act as a critical friend to the headteacher and staff, offering support and constructive advice and also asking challenging questions when necessary
To make decisions around safe guarding, health and safety, staffing and premises
To set a legal budget in line with the school’s priorities
The day to day management of the school is the responsibility of the headteacher and senior leadership team.
Governors see the wellbeing of all stakeholders as crucial to ensuring a happy, forward looking school community.
Our Governing Board is made up of a range of skilled and enthusiastic volunteers representing the community, the Church, elected parents and members of school teaching and support staff.
From time to time, we have vacancies on the governing board. If you are interested in becoming a governor or would like to contact any of the school governors, please contact the school office.
Tirth Bains
Chair of governors
Chair: Mrs. T. Bains
Vice Chair: Mr. S. Williamson
Parent: Mrs. S. George, Vacancy
Local Authority: Mr. A. Smith
Co-opted: Mrs. T. Bains, Mrs. S. Drew, Mrs. J. Pemble, Mr. S. Williamson, Mrs. C. Kennedy, Mrs. M. Pegg
Ex Officio: Rev. Steven Medley
Staff: Mrs. V. Manning
Headteacher: Mrs. Nicola Smith
Clerk: Mrs. J. Fallowell
Foundation Governors: Rev. Steven Medley, Vacancy, Vacancy