Our school has designed its curriculum intent statement to reflect our vision. ‘Let all that you do be done in love’. The vision is at the heart of our ambitious curriculum, where children love themselves, learning and the wider community. Children best learn when feeling happy and safe, Bournebrook provides this safe learning environment. Our curriculum is designed to allow pupils to be curious about the world we live in and flourish and thrive through following the Bournebrook Way.
The curriculum at Bournebrook School is broad, inspiring and ensures the highest ambition for all pupils, through a carefully planned progression of knowledge and skills across our mixed aged classes. Pupils are aware of their unique learning journey and as a result they thrive. Pupils are at the centre of our curriculum design, which has rich and memorable experiences that promote a love of learning and fit our local context.
For all of our pupils, we recognise the importance of developing the attitudes and lifelong skills that will enable them to become successful learners at Bournebrook and for the rest of their lives, this is developed through the Bournebrook Way and the ambitious learning we offer.
In practice, this consists of the following:
A statement on our vision and aims and The Bournebrook Way
- A list of experiences we provide for our children
- Documents to show non-negotiable learning in each subject / a progression of skills
- Elements of Cultural Capital that are important to Bournebrook highlighted in the curriculum documents
End of Year Expectations
- 2024-2025 3-year Cycle Tracker

Maths and English (reading, writing, grammar and spelling) are taught every morning across the school. Whole school methods are outlined in the Bournebrook Teaching and Learning Handbook. For other subjects, a long-term plan that sets out learning over three years is well embedded. Schemes of work with identified learning objectives ensures the curriculum is delivered as intended and shows that there is significant and effective differentiation between year groups learning about the same topic. Timetables define the number of hours that are taught in each subject. Subject leadership has been a whole school focus for three years and leaders have precise action plans, which are delivered and evaluated. When it is deemed appropriate, all subject leaders (or a group of subject leaders) work together on one highlighted aspect or area for development that crosses many subjects. In addition, monitoring by the leaders themselves establishes priorities for subjects and leaders have comprehensive subject folders with examples of work. Governors and senior leaders oversee the implementation of the school curriculum through a comprehensive monitoring programme.
Attainment and progress are a measure of all of the above, but also our children’s readiness for the next stage of their education (both academically and socially) and their ability to be responsible citizens and confident learners who live by Christian values shows the impact of our curriculum.
Teaching of phonics
Little Wandle
Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised is our new phonics programme used in school. If you would like any further information or have any questions, please email the school office
Below is the link to the Little Wandle website for parents with information videos on how to pronounce the phonemes and further information on supporting reading at home:
Long Term Plan