
Children at Bournebrook wear school uniform which is designed to be comfortable, serviceable and affordable. Our school uniform looks smart, wears well and contributes to a feeling of belonging to our school. The expectation at Bournebrook is that all children wear the uniform listed below. By sending your child to our school, you are agreeing to adhere to our uniform policy. Uniform should be clean and labelled with your child’s name. School take no responsibility for lost items. Please contact the school office if you are experiencing any issues providing the items below.  

Long hair must be tied back. Jewellery is not permitted. If ears are pierced, only small studs are permitted, which must be removed or covered for PE lessons.

We have “pre-loved uniform” available for free. Parents are invited to look through the designated drawers in the Study Centre for any suitable items for their children. Donations of pre-loved uniform can be sent to the school office.

Basic Uniform

A Bournebrook school sweatshirt or plain navy crew neck sweatshirt / jumper.
Navy or grey trousers.
Navy joggers may be worn in Reception, Year One and Year Two only.
Navy skirt or pinafore dress.
White shirt – either tailored with a school tie or a collared polo shirt.
Navy, grey, white or black socks or tights.
Sensible black school shoes.

Summer Wear

A blue checked dress with navy cardigan.
Smart navy or grey shorts.
A Bournebrook or suitable sun-hat.

Indoor PE Kit

A house coloured t-shirt (Nursery pupils may wear white t-shirts) and navy or black shorts.
Pumps or clean, indoor trainers for children in Beech and Ash.

Outdoor PE Kit (from year one upwards)

Navy or black joggers or leggings.
Sweatshirt.(Bournebrook style or plain navy)
Trainers suitable for outdoor use.

All Bournebrook items are available from the school office. Children who do not come to school equipped with PE kit will be asked to wear spare kit to ensure children can safely access the full PE curriculum.

Please click here to access an order form, which should be emailed to [email protected]  Payments should be made directly to our bank account (see instructions on order form).